

Google ads

Effective campaigns are a mixture of understanding what your customers are searching for, writing copy that converts and knowing your audience. We’ll focus on maximising your ROI by bidding on relevant keywords through Google’s paid advertising platforms. Our approach to building Google ads campaigns is strategic and data driven, using your business objectives as our guiding north star metric. Below are the six main pillars we focus on:

1. Business fact find
Before we launch any campaign, we take the time to understand your overall business objectives and work with you to identify any key areas you would like to leverage Google ads to increase site traffic, generate leads or boost sales. We perform a cost analysis exercise so we are able to calculate your ROAS off net profit margins, rather than gross profit as we know there can be significant overheads with running an eCommerce business.

2. Data measurement
When you’re investing money into any paid advertising, it’s extremely important that you are able to correctly measure any marketing campaign and accurately report ROAS. We’ll work with you to ensure your website analytics is set up correctly and define custom conversion metrics or even track events on your website to gain further insights into customer behaviour.

3. Build and implementation
Building a solid account structure is pivotal to effectively report and analyse performance. We ensure every campaign has a consistent naming convention for reporting and tracking. Within the structure set up, we execute keyword research using appropriate match types that are affordable to bid on with high search volume. We’ll then write a minimum of 3 text ads + 1 dynamic responsive ad for each campaign and implement site extensions to further promote unique selling points about your business.

Myriad Digital Services

4. Analysis and optimisation
Using a combination of Shopify Analytics, Google ads and Google analytics, we analyse key metrics using segmented data (E.g. audience, device, search query) that aligns with custom conversion metrics formed by the business objectives. We create a custom performance report that dives into website and Google ads account performance including, campaigns, ad groups, keywords, ad copy and quality score. This allows us to make informed decisions to optimise your account.

5. Strategy and experimentation
Depending on your business goals, strategies can range from the highest share of voice, cross-platform advertising, top-position keywords. We’ll make sure we implement the right bid strategy. We are constantly on the lookout for new opportunities and experimental findings for increasing the effectiveness of Google ads.

6. Monitoring and reporting
Every month we provide Google ads performance reports which includes top-level results, month-on-month/year-on-year comparisons, competition, insights, recommendations, and more. Transparency builds trust and allows you to understand exactly how things are going. Not only does it give you important insights, it allows us to help educate you and provide a deeper understanding of your business.

Analytics & insights

Data, analytics, and insights work together to understand how your customers interact with your products or services online. When set up correctly, they go hand in hand to accurately capture data and allow specialists like Myriad Digital to pull meaningful insights and present data in a way that can be easily interpreted and allow businesses to make more informed decisions.

Most importantly, data analysis interprets important metrics and puts it to work for your business. For example, predicting how your customers will behave, what prospect customers are searching for online and what pages customers are viewing before they convert. All that data contains the information you need to optimise your sales, services, and opportunities to improve respective areas of your business.

By focusing on data and analytics, you’ll be able to develop hyper targeted marketing strategies and future proof the growth of your business!

Data measurement set up

Businesses understand how important it is to collect data to deploy successful marketing campaigns and create growth, but how do they know if data collection has been set up correctly, or if it’s been set up at all?

Businesses understand how important it is to collect data to deploy successful marketing campaigns and create growth, but how do they know if data collection has been set up correctly, or if it’s been set up at all?

Myriad Digital specialises in setting up data collection and will work with you to set up conversion tracking to ensure every element of your website and marketing campaigns can be tracked, measured and analysed especially when businesses are investing in paid media.

Are you unsure of your businesses current analytics set up? Not a problem. We’ll audit your martech stack and identify opportunities where we can improve your data collection or set it up for you from scratch!
We’ll help you increase your digital exposure and make sure your online performance is measured with some of the following tools:

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Google Search Console
  • Google Merchant Centre
  • Google Ads Account
  • Google Conversion Linking
  • Google Analytics Event Tracking
  • Facebook Pixel
  • Google My Business
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The most important thing to remember is once you invest into setting up your data collection and measurement, most analytics softwares will only be able to record data from the day it’s installed and will not track performance retrospectively. So why wait?! Get in touch with Myriad Digital and let’s grow your business.

Conversion rate optimisation

Conversion rate optimisation (CRO) is the practice of increasing the percentage of users who perform a desired action on a website. Desired actions can include purchasing a product, clicking ‘add to cart’, signing up for a service, filling out a form, or clicking on a link.

CRO can be measured in multiple ways. For example, there’s always an emphasis on conversion percentages, averages, and benchmarks. Although this is extremely important to track and measure growth, it’s also important to think about what these numbers are – they are your prospect customers! An actual human being that may potentially need your product or services.

A more holistic and customer-centric way when it comes to approaching CRO is to think of it as the process of focusing on understanding what drives, stops, and persuades your customer, so you can give them the best customer experience possible—and that, in turn, is what makes them convert and ultimately improves your conversion rate.

When we’re working to improve conversions, not every problem is quantifiable, backed by hard numbers, and with a clear-cut answer.

  • Yes, sometimes, an obvious bug is blocking 80% of prospect customer from doing something, and fixing that one bug will save your entire business
  • Other times, a website functions perfectly and yet people still are not converting. When this happens, you’ll need to dig deeper to understand the why beyond the data you have—you’ll need, in other words, to focus on your customers first.

That’s where we come in. The digging, the soul-searching, the looking for answers and diving into data to answer your ‘why’s and ‘what’s’. CRO will constantly be a top-of-mind topic to help your business grow and we’ll be there to help guide your business.

Shopify eCommerce integrations

Did you know the average Shopify store can experience up to 126% growth year-over-year! A contributing factor to this growth is having the ability to integrate your Shopify store with other systems to provide the best online experience for your customers.

Simply put, API integrations for eCommerce systems allow you to create connections between your eCommerce site and a wide range of other platforms or software programs (e.g. Shopify apps).

In some cases, an API integration can be simple and easily configured through existing connections while other implementations are complex and can require custom development.

Here are some of the systems we can assist with the integration on your Shopify store:

  • Affiliate marketing software
  • Review collection
  • Sending digital products (e.g. eBooks)
  • Online subscription courses
  • Website pop-ups
  • Email systems